Friday, March 12, 2010

Does the Word 'Legitimate' Really Mean it is the Best Legitimate Home Based Business?

You are seeking to find a Legitimate Opportunity and are bombarded by all kinds of choices and marketers making all kinds of claims and promises to convince you to go with them. Who's telling the truth? ... Which opportunity is best . . .

Opportunity for what? Opportunity to make money, or opportunity to sell the products? In my vast experience, I have found that in all Leverage Income Opportunities, the real product is selling the opportunity to make money. That's the only way you will build any residual or leveraged income. UNTIL NOW! Read on. . .

Is there only One Way to Make Money? How huge is the potential marketplace for the opportunity? What is the competition? Is the Best Legitimate Home Based Business big enough for you to make substantial life changing income and legitimate residual income? Do the products have a broad market, such as information or legal products, or are they only going to appeal to a small niche market, such as a juice or nutritional products? Will you be marketing products and services so unique, so robust, SO legitimate, that they are marketable to SEO service bureaus, brick and mortar businesses, and the home based Entrepreneur? Is the product a One trick pony? Do you want to go down a long road with a one product/ one juice company?  

In my expert opinion, you are much further along when you find an online business opportunity that truly gives you an advantage in the marketplace by having a powerful compensation plan with over 23 ways to make big money up front now, while building residual income on the backend with products and services that every entrepreneur legitimately needs and wants, greatly enhancing their business and giving them the ability to play big on today's internet..

What other company provides the tools that allow you to Make More Money promoting ANY Business you are involved with? In fact, encourages you to have Multiple Streams of Income from One Effort and shows you EXACTLY how to do it, LIVE . . . . no ‘Business in a Box’ here! A Legitimate, first and only Online Business Opportunity with COMMERCIAL business products that not only produce Direct Big Dollar Profits, but also, long term CONSUMPTION based true Residual Income.

What is the Legitimacy of the Product? Is it Physical or Digital? Is a service or product? Does it provide the customer with real substantial value? How much ‘hands on’ will I have to handle the product? Is there a demand for it? Will the Company deliver as they claim? To see the legitimacy of a company, you can do a Google search for the "company + complaints" "company + scam" or the "company + scam". Find out what others are saying about the company and what their overall experience is and if there is fair exchange for value commerce.

Is there a market for the Products? For the Opportunity? Does the product have legitimacy and true value that Commercial Businesses will buy the product? Will people buy the product without being involved in the business opportunity? Is the product available outside of signing up in the opportunity? Will you be marketing the "top Cut" or a Re-Hashed, Re-Run, Re-Boxed “Opportunity"?

How Do You Find the Best Legitimate Home Based Business for You?

Several years ago, in my own search of the Best Legitimate Home Based Business, I participated in several online business opportunities. The purpose of joining multiple business opportunities was to have different products to offer my customers, as well as having different price points to meet the budget of every person I spoke with. However, at the time, I did not know to apply the ‘acid test’ to the products. The true ‘acid test’ of the Best Legitimate Home Based Business is that end user customers will purchase and consume the product(s) now and over time without having to sign up in the business opportunity. And better yet, the products or services being rendered are so profound, they actually help you build the Best Legitimate Home Based Business easier and faster than anything in the marketplace today. Period.

By applying the 'aid test' formula now, I am confident in my pick of the Best Legitimate Home Based Business. This certainly is the Ultimate Money Making Machine which allows me to generate Multiple Streams of Income, ALL from one seamless platform making it easier and faster than ever to explode my business and attain my goal of a Seven Figure Income.

To discover more about how YOU can make big dollars immediately, with no recruiting or selling, attend our private webinar Tuesday or Thursday 9PM EST.
Start Living the Life You Truly Deserve.

To Your Success,
Sandy Koo

7 Figure Income Strategies Super Store
Multiple Streams of Income from One Platform